Monday, March 18, 2013

Why We Have Problems

The World Puzzle Championships draw contestants from 46 countries. They are among the tens of millions of people obsessed with puzzle games. Why?

Famed crossword editor Will Shortz says: "We're faced with problems every day, and we almost never get clarity ....With a human-made puzzle you have satisfaction you don't get much in real life. You feel in control, and that's a great feeling."

That is the reason we have problems beyond human solution. Problems remind us we are not in control, prompting us to cry out to God. In life's puzzles we hear Jesus’ words, "Apart from me you can do nothing."

Monday, March 11, 2013

Accidental Segregation

After two years of working toward a more diverse ministry, progress is being made.  however slowly.

Then someone pointed out one of the posters advertising our Wednesday evening class schedule. 

“White Women’s Class” was one of the options. Adrenaline rushed through me so fast, I got dizzy. Then I took a closer look… 

Simply a dreadfully unfortunate formatting issue.

Theoretically there could also have been a Black Discipleship Class… 
But accidents are not equal opportunity.